Dogmas are lost, not through reversal, but through abandonment.
We lost the Catholic oekonomia through the abandonment of the condemnation of usury.
The entire world totters on the brink of economic collapse because of the metastasis of usury.
We lost the Catholic cosmos through the abandonment of the condemnation of heliocentrism.
Our children laugh at the stupidity of the idea that we are special, or significant, because of the logical development of Copernicanism.
We are losing the Great Commission through the abandonment of the dogma of original sin.
How is it that no one can see that when the Church accommodates Herself to the world, the world is plunged into darkness?
Make no mistake. The modernists are targeting original sin.
It is the last obstacle to the New Pantheon.
Only the Traditionalists will resist.
Everyone else will compromise, until the time comes for full surrender.
Adam and Eve and Ted and Alice.
Trust me, most will find a way to persuade themselves that this is Catholic.